Пройдено 34.26 км за 7 часов 53 минуты.
Total distance 34.26 km, total time 7 hours 53 minutes.
I stopped for overnight in small village Triacastella. In the morning like always I was late and left the village probably as one of the last pilgrims. Galicia is very nice part of he Spain. Not only because it's very delicious food, but as well because it's beautiful landmark.
I have to go through city of Sarria where lazy Spainyard starts their last 100 km on Camino to get Compostela. I immediately notice incrising amount of people on Camino. But most of them carrying just couple bottle of water and some food on backpack.
I quickly walk through Sarria and continue my way to Santiago.
In this day nothing unusual happened except I crossed 100 km mark. As I sain day before every half kilometers here set stone mark with numbers how many kilometers left. I realized that today I'll cross 100 km mark. Because as I sain I still cannot manage to make picture of myself, I start thinking to get somebody on this mark to make this picture. Nobody was around and I speed up to catch somebody before the mark. How I was surprise when from 200 meters I saw familiar pink shirt on big body - Andrew from BC was trying to make picture of himself and 100k mark. It was funny, but with his size he can do it somehow with his face covers almost hole screen an probably somewhere in the back plan you can see 100 k mark, or not....
I was on time there and couple of Spaniard on bicycle stopped there on same time. I asked them to make picture both of us. Which you can see below. We continue walked together with Andrew. And thinking about the picture I have realized how symbolic it is. Two man from opposit side of Canada standing on oposit side of 100 km mark point somewhere in Spain on their Camino way....
I can't believe that less than 100 km left. Just three days. We walked together and reach our point of destination for today - Ferrerios, which only 99 km from Santiago.
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