Tuesday, September 25, 2012

День двадцать восьмой / Day twenty eighth

Total distance 37.36 km. Total time 7 hours 42 minutes. Plus 7 km to lighthouse.

Пройдено 37.36 км за 7 часов 42 минуты. Плюс еще 7 км к маяку и назад.

I slept well this night. After spending more than 8 hours outside fighting with wind and getting wet from top to bottom it was good warm and quiet place. When I woke up, Australians already left. First time during my journey I didn't hear how people packed their staff. I looked outside, haven was dark and this wasn't good sign for the day, last day of Camino. But there was no rain ( Yet ? ). Welsh people were packing their staff. I did same with my. Fortunately everything were dry and to prevent it get wet again in backpack, I carefully wrapped all in different size of plastic bags that I had. Time was around half past eight. I noticed trough the windows that restaurant just has been opened and, I harried to get breakfast ang start my day while it still no rain. I found my boots were completely dry ( again big thanks to the owner for this electric heater ). I got them on and was ready to go. Time was 9-15am. Last day and close to 35-40 km walk started.

I was feeling as I'm only starting my Camino. I didn't feel any of more than 900 km behind me. My legs moving me to mett my destination point - Fisterra, what translated from Galician as End of the Earth. I like this. End of my journey, my Camino on end of the Earth.
Couple times it was looking that rain should start soon, but nothing happened. After 15 km I started looking for the place to get my lunch. I found big stone which was looks like a table or chair. I got my big bottle of yogurt and some bread, cheese and salami.

I spent about 10 to 15 minutes and start walking. Less than 10 minutes I saw from very far very familiar siluette was coming towards me. I was very surprised when I recognized who this person is. Ramil. He was walking towards me and smiling. He said, that knowing my schedule, he knew that he will meet me today. For our fortune two Germans were coming by ( on Camino to Fisterra not many people on the road ). We asked them to make couple of photos.

We had short but good conversation. He said he walked from Santiago to Muxia, from Muxia to Fisterra and now he is walking back to Santiago. Good close to 250 kilometers trip. I said I'll spend evening and night in Fisterra to see famous sanset and seeing towan. He said that yesterday when he was there nobody can stand on rock near lighthouse. People were blown away from rock by wind. O, yes. I can imagine wind from ocean when being a while from there I was hard to manage my movement forward because of same wind. We looked on sky and he said that today should be better. Probably I can see sunset from there. We exchanged emails and phone numbers and we went into opposite directions.

I continued my Camino to the end of the Earth. My iPhone made anonsment that I turned 20 km already. Road was going uphill and I was thinking that I didn't any ocean yet. In couple of minutes I got on summit of the hill and.... O MY GOD!!! How unbelievable view was before me. There were again another Germans ( how many Germans are doing Camino ! ). I got another picture of me without cartoon magic movements ( "cartoon magic movements" - when you point camera towards place you are planning to be for the picture, push the button, leave camera in the air, jump to the target place before camera make a shot, shot, you jump back and grab camera while it still in the air ). For now walking was much easy because you kind of see your final destination. But I still has to make about 15 km by shore line through couple big and small town to Fisterra. But the views which appeared before my eyes were beautiful.

In couple more hours I reached suburbs of Fisterra. I walked on one side of street following yellow arrows and again, I saw something very known in women coming towards me on another side of the road. She turn to me and call me by name. Sibylle, Antonia's mom. As she explained later she rode on a bus to Fisterre and Antonia will walk in Monday with Andrew. We hugged as old friends. I said I need find place to stay and probably we will meet somewhere after. As I always saying the earth just only third smallest planet around a Sun. If you really like to meet people you'll find them. And we walked on opposite directions.....
I walked in the town and found place to stay close took port/downtown. I dropped my backpack, got shower, changed my close and walked to seafront. I selected one of restaurant with great sea view, ordered my beer and relaxed... Time was close to seven. It as too early walking to see major event on lighthouse - sunset. There about three km to wool there uphill. And sunset between eight and nine pm. I was slowly sipping my beer and looking on harbor water. At that time Sibylle appeared before my desk. I asked how she found me? She answered she just was walking by seafront and spotted me here. She was planning to see sunset as well, but she didn't know the time. I checked in google and found out exact time - 8-24 pm. We still had time. She ordered coffee and I finished my beer. We left restaurant and started our last official part of Camino. When we passed by albergue where I stayed, she mentioned that she stayed here as well. What the smallww world on Camino. We walked another three km and endEd up on top of the big rock which was in same time most west Cape of Spain. There were already some people who was waiting for sunset as well.And we were exactly on time. If ten minutes before all sky was coveredb by cloud, now we can see on the west the sky was starting to open up and we can clearly see the sun seeing down. I've made a lot of picture how sun ending his way on the sky in the Atlantic ocean. I need time to sort them out and will publish them later. There was some wind, but not so strong, we can stay on the most west point of the Europe and see how sun seeing down somewhere in Canada. It was amazing and never be forgotten.When everything as finished I slowly walked down to Fisterre and Sibylle stayed there with Germans she knew from Camino. I didn't have dinner yet and albergue will be closed in a little bit more than an hour. I didn't care. After seeing all these I can sleep without a dinner. But, again I was fortunate to talk to lady hospitaliero ( people who weak in albergue ) and she knew that many people were watching sunset and will be late. She gave me key from entrance. I walked down the street to the downtown/seaside. I found nice restaurant with view on the sea and ordered octopus by Galician. Be in Galicia and didn't try this......
After dinner I got back in albergue and dropped my body to sleep. My mission was finish. Tomorrow I'll be in bus going back to Santiago de Compostela. This it's.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats buddy, glad to see you made it. Looking forward to hearing about it whe you get abck.


