Прошел 35.06 км за 7 часов 59 минут.
Total distance 35.06 km. Total time 7 hours 59 minutes.
After good night I found Lars's hat just beside my bed. He probably lost it because usually he starts early, he doesn't turn on lights. Ok. I hope I'll meet him somewhere. I attached hat to my backpack.
I got my coffee in kitchen and started my day. It was 8 am , but first time on the Camino I felt cold. I grabbed my rain jacket and put on. It was enough to prevent wind to cool me down.
I start my walk. But I still feel my ears freezing two more hours. After sun get enough high, temperature starts rising very fast.
My way today was crossing one of the highest point of whole Camino. 1505 meters ( 4940 ft ) from sea level. Getting up isn't hard for me. Most pressure to knees created when you are getting down. I started from 1000 meters level. Road was very slowly getting up and under morning sun it was good walk. I got highest point in less than three hours. There was Cruz de Ferro - Iron cross monument ( you can see it on picture ). A simple iron cross stands atop its wheathered pole that has become one of the abiding symbols of the pilgrim way of St. James. Those stones under cross and around the pole brought here by pilgrims from everywhere. They mean pilgrim wishes. I didn't bring anything, because I already got my wish done. I just doing my Camino in response.
Just beside the cross I found Andrew from Victoria, BC. He almost fell asleep on one of the picnic table. He looked so tired. Recently we discussed his backpack which he borrowed from his sister. Here I would like to mention that Andrew about 6 and a half feet tall. And now I can see how he carried his backpack - he made shoulders straps so short, that hip straps (which should be on the hip) was somewhere 6 inches below his nipples. :-) . First it looks very funny and second and more important - he carried all weight on his shoulders. It very hard and you get tired in minutes.... I try to explain him all physics behind this straps system and together we have adjusted strips on proper way. He was very surprised how differently he feels. BTW, I met him after couple hours and he asked why nobody told him that theory behind all those straps. Now he feels like he carried nothing.
From cross road was more or less even. And after one hour start getting down very fast. It was hard for my knees, but I managed get down on village ( 600 m on sea level) and stop in the first bar. For my surprise I found there Lars, who is sipping his coffe con leche and smoking his sigarette. I gave him his hat, and told me his story. After couple of hours walking, when sun starts his usual job - burning everything around, he realized that he lost his hat. There is no shop on his way until after 2-3 o'clock. He started thinking what he can do in this situation. He turn his head right and left looking whatever he can use as a hat. And guess what? He saw straws hat hanging on closest tree. How he explained to me after - universe sent it to him. Because by the physic law - if somewhere something disappeared, in another place something should appear. But, anyway , he was glad to get his hat back. New old straws hat he decided to hang somewhere on the road - probably somebody needs it.
We have decided to walk another ten kilometers to finish in Molinaceca. I spent another two hours to get there. In evening this day I met first time pilgrims on horses. Of course I saw many times before whatever horses loosing during walk ( s..t ), but first time on Camino I saw pilgrim on horses.
After that we met our Danish friend Dotty, she got room on hostal near by, and because she was here before, we followed her in restaurant where we had good pilgrim dinner with unlimited wine ( limit was set by our stomach )..
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