Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day six / День шестой.

Прошел 39.64 за 8 часов 30 минут.
Total distance 30.64 km , total time 8 hours 30 minutes.

First I would like to express my apology to all of you who think I didn't read comments because I didn't responded on them. I'm very sorry for this confusion. I answered all your comments, because I received email every time somebody post the comments. I didn't know until today that all my answer went nowhere. I hoped they went directly to people who did post. I did short investigation and found out that all my email with answer went to noreply@blogspot email address, even there was name of particular person who posted mad been attached. From now and on I promise to answer directly in the post.
I'll try my best to recovery all answers I sent. Sorry guys.

The funny thing happened over night. One of the lady would like to go I washroom. I understand this. But because she did it not so quite I was waked up and saw how she opened door into corridor. But next her movement was shocked for me. After she got out of the room in corridor where was enough lights, she squished her hand back and .... Turn all lights on. She close the door after and went to toilet and came back after a while. Turn off lights and went to bed. I still cannot figured out the logic behind this movement.

This is me again. Can you believe in good diner with three plates and bottle of wine for 15 backs?... I do believe!! I just got one. Because there were plenty of places available I end up only one person on the table and I got:
Garlic soup - enough testy
Chicken with home fries
Desert ....
And full bottle of wine - very good pain killer for my muscles. I hope I sleep well. Tomorrow I plain to go as far a s I can - about 38 km. today was good day for walk. On the morning it was around 14 degree Celsius. During the day temperature rise to 20-22 and only during the evning got. Close to 26. Best temperature to walk. As always I started late. But during the walk I catch up all early starters.
Most of the people have decided to stop in Logrono. I count 22 km for me not enaugh. But next stop will be 12 away from Logrono. I had no choice. As well I spent aproximately two hours cruising around city to try to exchange 500 euro bill for smaller. Failed. I decided to take money from ATM machine and I will try to do so in Burgos. About 3 km before final destination I caught up Judy, the lady from Ottawa and we got in albergue together. The funny things is that we have been assigned beds in same way: she in the bottom, I in the top. She offer me to switch ( probably I sicnr give her to sleep last night, I was turning around from time to time) , but I have accepted her offer and end up in bottom bed for tonight.

Today I crossed border of province La Rioja - province which produced best wine in Spain an on of the best in the world. I test it today and it's really good. Have a good night. I defenetely will add some staff after.


  1. Сережа привет, Рома. У нас в Карпатах люди отправляясь на целый день в поле на работу для утоления жажды всегда брали с собой смесь столового сухого вина с водой - примерно 10-15% вина, остальное вода. Проверено поколениями и мной лично неоднократно - утоляет жажду замечательно! Попробуй и найди для себя оптимальную смесь (вина > или <) Неважно белое или красное вино. Как ноги? Хорошего тебе пути!

    1. Про вино конечно хорошая идея. Только я как то привык раздельное питание - вечером вино а днем воду. В принципе от жажды сильно не страдаю - не очень жарко даже днем. Касаясь ног - ну так, слегка ощущаю что они у меня есть, особенно вечером. Но к утру вроде нормально и днем когда разойдусь так вообще легко - они уже как у кенгуру работают.
